Printable maps. Display version is colored in Manga Palette by Kuroi. They are compatible with Roll20. Feel free to use in your own games. Lobby of the Inn Set. 22x17 squares including walls. Upstairs rooms of the Inn Set. 22x17 squares Hidden Shine and Cellar for the Inn Set. 22x17 squares. More Printer friendly version to be added soon. Evil Shrine from the Inn set. 13 x 17 squares An inn with Tavern for players to meet in. This is 22x17 including the walls Based on the world tournament stage from Dragonball. A Jail. 22x17. Assumed to be the lower level of a castle or Police Station Benny's Parking Lot with dots. 44x34 squares. Benny's Parking lot, no dots. 44x34 squares. More Roll20 friendly Underground Cellar. 8 x 17 squares 20x13. Honey Heist Lab. I use this in a One Shot I run.